
Author Biography

Manuel Villavicencio

Manuel Villavicencio

Consulting Director

Manuel is a Consulting Director at Allvue. Manuel has worked with private equity clients and other leading asset management firms and fund administrators for over 17 years, leading various business consulting and technology implementation projects. Prior to joining Allvue’s predecessor, AltaReturn, Manuel was a Senior Manager in Ernst & Young’s Asset Management advisory practice where he spent six years advising clients on operational improvement initiatives and vendor selections. Manuel has spoken at a number of industry conferences and has authored whitepapers focused on trends in private equity operations. He is a licensed CPA with a Bachelor of Accounting from Florida International University and a Master of Business Administration from Columbia Business School.

Articles by Manuel

Understanding Private Equity Distribution Waterfalls

The Significance of Private Equity Waterfalls In private equity, distribution waterfalls define the economic relationship between the private equity fund managers (GP) and the [...]

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Management Company Accounting – What Do GPs Really Need to Get the Job Done?

There are three things in a GP's life that will never go away: taxes, information demands from investors, and the need for GPs to [...]

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