
Women in the Workplace Series: Insights and Tips from Allvuers (Part 1 of 2)

By: Olena Nedaivoda

Marketing Specialist
August 12, 2024

Part 1: Welcome to the first part of a two-part series from the Women’s Network at Allvue. Join us as we celebrate, empower, and shine a light on the amazing contributions of women in our community! 

As we celebrated Women’s History Month earlier this year, it’s been crucial to not only honor the remarkable women who have paved the way for progress, but also to share the wisdom of those among us who continue to inspire and lead by example every day. This year, we’ve taken a unique approach to connecting with the powerful voices within our own community. 

The Women’s Network, an employee resource group (ERG) dedicated to supporting and empowering women at Allvue, conducted several events including “HerVue” – a video series aimed at providing advice for overcoming challenges, Anthems of Resilience – a playlist featuring empowering songs, as well as hosting a panel with women leaders from our organization. These events were in support of recognizing women`s accomplishments and contributions to society.

Voices of Inspiration for Women’s History Month with Quotes and Tips That Empower Us

Our incredible colleagues from various departments have come together to share invaluable insights and advice gained through their career journeys, which has helped them reach their goals. Here’s a glimpse into the empowering and inspirational messages that women at Allvue have shared. 

Learnings from female leaders at Allvue: 

  1. If you want increased opportunities, work hard, put your head down and do your very best and don’t forget to balance that with all areas of your life. 
  2. Surround yourself with women who would mention your name in a room full of opportunities.
  3. The skills that get you to where you are at a certain point in your career, are not always the same skills that accelerate your growth.
  4. Being a woman means honoring that you wear multiple hats every day as part of your career path, as part of your personal life, whether you’re a friend, a coworker, a caretaker, a mother, a wife, or a partner. 
  5. A lot of times, we have a tendency not to speak up unless we feel 100% certain about something, but I would really encourage you to still add the value that you have and share even when you just maybe feel strongly or almost certain about something. Success correlates with confidence, not necessarily competence. 
  6. If you see something, say something. And if this is something you’re not comfortable doing, I would encourage you to work with someone else who can help: your manager, HR, another colleague or even someone else in the Women’s Network. 
  7. Embrace your flaws and learn from your mistakes and move on and know that no matter what, you are enough, and you are worthy because I know I am. 

Quotes that inspired female leaders at Allvue: 

  1. “The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any,” said Alice Walker. “So as we move forward, let’s hold on to the belief that we have unlimited potential to make things better and that our contributions are really valuable.” 
  2. “Champions keep playing until they get it right,” said Billie Jean King. 
  3. “As women achieve power, the barriers will fall. As society sees what women can do, as women see what women can do, there will be more women out there doing things, and we’ll all be better off for it,” said Ruth Bader Ginsburg. 
  4. “I learned a long time ago the wisest thing I can do is be on my own side, be an advocate for myself and others like me,” said Maya Angelou. 

Allvue’s Curated Women’s History Month “Anthems of Resilience” Playlist

In the essence of community and connection, the Women`s Network gathered personal music favorites which help us to keep our heads above the water, stay motivated, and remain positive. 

Our ERG compiled an Anthems of Resilience music list on Spotify that embodies the spirit of this celebration and provides a sense of unity and empowerment that we want to share with you! Join us in listening to the rhythms that inspire us to press forward ever more boldly. 

As we conclude Part 1 of our series sharing the voices and initiatives of Allvue’s Women’s Network, we are sharing food for thought to help you with your journey of growth. Stay tuned to Part 2: Our Women in Leadership panel, where we will share insights from “She-Suite” executives.

Disclaimer: The advice, insights, and opinions shared in this blog series are those of the individual contributors and do not necessarily represent the views or policies of Allvue Systems, LLC. These contributions are drawn from personal experiences and are intended for informational purposes only. Readers should not interpret these statements as professional, legal, or HR advice.

More About The Author

Olena Nedaivoda

Marketing Specialist

Olena Nedaivoda is a Marketing Specialist at Allvue Systems, a leading provider of investment management solutions. She embarked on her journey with AltaReturn, a predecessor to Allvue Systems, in 2019. With a robust background in corporate marketing, Olena brings extensive expertise and a strategic vision to her role, driving success in the ever-evolving alternative investment industry. She holds a Master’s degree in Marketing from Sumy State University, where she developed her skills in marketing theory and practice.

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