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Selected By Amadeus Capital Partners

Amadeus has selected AltaReturn’s platform to streamline its Deal Flow, CRM, Fund Accounting and Reporting ...

Selected By SOSV

SOSV has selected AltaReturn’s platform to streamline its fund accounting and investor relations using the Fund Accounting, CRM ...

Selected by Helvetica Capital

Helvetica has selected AltaReturn’s platform to streamline its deal flow, fund raising and investor relations using the CRM ...

Selected by Tower Three Partners

Tower Three has selected AltaReturn’s platform to streamline its Investor Relations, Fund Accounting and Reporting. ...

Selected by Penfund

Penfund has selected AltaReturn’s platform to streamline its Deal Tracking, Fund Accounting and Reporting. ...

Selected by Core Capital Partners

Core Capital Partners has selected AltaReturn’s platform to streamline their entire operation using the Fund Accounting, CRM, Business ...

Experiences year of record growth

AltaReturn is pleased to announce that it saw record levels of demand, activity and customer signings in 2015. ...

Selected by Robecosam Private Equity

RobecoSAM Private Equity has selected AltaReturn for the provision of business software solutions. They has selected AltaReturn’s platform ...

Altareturn extends SAAS cloud platform into Europe

AltaReturn, a leading provider of cloud-based end-to-end financial software solutions is pleased to announce that it is extending ...

100 most promising Microsoft solution providers

CIOReview has chosen AltaReturn for its 100 Most Promising Microsoft Solution Providers. ...

Implemented By Kinderhook Industries

Kinderhook Industries implemented the Fund Accounting, CRM, Business Intelligence and Investor Portal solutions. ...

Implemented By Axcel

AltaReturn is pleased to announce that Axcel has implemented AltaReturn to automate operations across its organisation. ...

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