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Using a Streamlined Platform to Manage Credit and Equity Portfolios

Private markets overall have been gradually expanding over the past decade, and the growth isn’t limited to the ...

Infographic: What’s Driving Private Debt Funds’ Continued Growth?

Many unique factors in the past few years have contributed to turmoil in the financial markets, threatening to ...

What Does the Future of LP Reporting Look Like?

Like most industries, correspondence from fund managers has evolved over the last three decades, from fat envelopes carried ...

3 Habits of Highly Successful CLO Managers

In the last few years, the collateralized loan obligation market, or CLO market, has come of age and ...

Case Study: AlbaCore Capital Group

AlbaCore Capital Group is one of Europe’s leading specialist credit investors and CLO managers, focusing on public and ...

ESG Due Diligence for Private Equity

The concept of ESG (environmental, social, governance) investing has been on the radar of many large asset owners ...

Infographic: 7 Private Debt Trends to Watch in 2022

Private debt has established itself as one of the fastest growing alternative asset classes in the industry and, ...

How Private Markets are Catching up on ESG

New regulations are driving standardization across the industry and forcing GPs to prioritize ESG initiatives Private markets have ...

How GPs can Stand Out in a Hot Fundraising Market

The fundraising market is white hot Fundraising is the highest it’s been over the last five years, due ...

InfoStory: 5 Drivers of ESG Growth in Alternative Investments

As Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) investing demand grows, the alternative investments industry has begun to train its ...

Why an Integrated Back Office is Now Essential for Meeting Investor Demands

What was a nice-to-have pre-Covid is now a need-to-have Back-office technology integration has captured the attention of GPs, ...

Benchmarking Private Asset Portfolios: Technology is Critical as Investors Venture into New Markets

The absence of an efficient, reliable and timely benchmarking solution can have profound consequences for LPs. Without a ...

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